Community · Sewing

Already Sidetracked

During the second half of April, I’m sewing along with Tasia at A bunch of other talented seamsters and I are all making her just-released Crescent skirt pattern. This post marks the beginning of the saga.

A skirt for me…

…and jeans for my husband.

I haven’t even begun my spring pants, and I’m already side tracked.  I just ordered two new patterns that commit me to two upcoming Sew-Alongs:  the crescent skirt Sew-Along hosted by Tasia at and the jeans Sew-Along hosted by Peter at Male Pattern Boldness.  The former starts April 18th, and the latter starts May 2nd.  I think I’m getting a little too over eager here, but I’m excited none-the-less.

Update:  I wasn’t able to join in on the MPB Jeans Sew-Along.  There was just too much going on at the time.